How to Give Your Child a Better Life: The Comprehensive Guide

Do you want to give your child a better life? If so, read this blog post for a comprehensive guide on how to do it. We will talk about what can guarantee a better life, such as moving to the best neighborhood and praising your child correctly. We will also discuss various kinds of therapy that may be beneficial for your kid and cooking the right food. You should start a college fund.

You Can Move To the Best Neighborhood 

Your neighborhood is a significant influencer of your children's future.  It can also be a great predictor of your kid's success in the long run. When choosing where to live, make sure it is an area with many opportunities for children to excel at school and beyond. These neighborhoods tend to have schools known for academic excellence as well as safety. In addition, these areas will typically have plenty of enrichment activities available like music lessons or sports teams that kids can get involved in after school, which could help them hone their talents further down the road if they enjoy doing so.

Consider Various Kinds of Therapy

Therapy is one of the best ways to guarantee your child's future. There are various kinds of therapies that can help improve your kid's life. These include:

  • Parent Training Therapy.

  • Speech therapy. You can conveniently find the best speech therapist near you.

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).

  • Exposure to Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD and anxiety disorders.

There are other types, but these are most effective in guaranteeing a better tomorrow for your child.

Praise Your Child Correctly

This means giving your child applause for an effort made rather than the achievement. For example, have them understand that they did an excellent job on their homework or in sports practice because of all their hard work and not just because it turned out well. Although positive reinforcement is one of the most important things you can do as a parent to help motivate your children towards success, praise needs to be correct and sufficient if it will have any effect.

Praising your child for an achievement rather than effort can make them think that the only reason they did well was because you were expecting it. As a result, they may not try as hard in the future or become more demanding of praise when things turn out badly. But, on the other hand, praising your children too often for their efforts will take away from its value and diminish any positive effects it might have had on motivation.

Select The Best School 

This is a critical decision. First, you must select a school where your child can develop their interests and abilities to the fullest extent possible.

Many parents are looking for schools that will empower their kids and offer student-centered learning, arts education, or safe environments with little bullying. You should also look at how much homework it assigns each night and what kind of classes they will be taking in high school.

There are so many different educational institutions out there that it might seem challenging to find one best suited for your kid's needs, but don't give up! Your efforts will pay off when you see them excel in academics and extracurricular activities without having to burn themselves out along the way.

Cook the Right Food for Your Kid

Your child's diet is one of the most important things you need to focus on. Eating healthy food gives your child a better chance at having an active and happy life, as well as improving their academic performance.

Consider extending this healthy lifestyle during your kid’s birthdays or on holidays. Cooking healthy foods for your child is the best way to give them a better life.

Make Your Kid Read Daily 

Making your child read daily is a sure way to give them a better life, and this is the most important thing you can do. There are many ways to make your child read daily; charging an allowance for every book they read or setting aside time as reading hour with no technological devices allowed (including phones). 

Get the Best Health Insurance 

This is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that your child has a chance at living a better life. Health insurance is something everyone needs, but it's especially crucial for parents with children because kids are more susceptible than adults to catching diseases and getting sick. In addition, having good health insurance will help prevent any large medical bills from accumulating in case anything does happen to your child. 

Open a College Fund 

Starting a college fund is very important because it can guarantee your child's future. You should begin at an early age, even if you only put a small amount every month. When they get older, your kid will appreciate this gift and realize how hard their parents tried to make things better for them. They'll also know that you care enough about them to do something like this, which is very touching as well.


In conclusion, there are several ways you can give your child a better life. You just have to be willing to put in the work and do all of these things, so they don't worry about anything when they get older.

4 Things You Cannot Forget As A Parent

Being a parent is hard, and it can be very difficult to make sure you stay on top of everything. That’s something that only becomes more difficult when you have more than one child. At the end of the day, we’re only human, and it’s okay to forget things sometimes, but that doesn’t apply to everything. There are simply some things that even as a parent, you cannot forget. As difficult as it may be, even if it means writing it down to help you remember; it’s your responsibility to make sure that at least one of the parents is able to remember important parts of parenthood.



Promises that you’ve made

While it might sound silly, you should never make your child promises that you cannot keep. Even if it comes across as childish, making promises is a big deal for them, and it’s your chance to teach them the importance of trust. If you make them a promise but forget about it down the line, it can have some serious effects when it comes to your next promise. And of course, if you can’t keep to your promises, why should they? Like mentioned before, we’re only humans, but children won’t often understand the stresses of life that caused you to forget your promise. 


Healthcare appointments are very important, and forgetting or missing them can cause serious problems. When you’re booked in for a doctor or dental service like Walnut Ridge Dental Care, you might not get a lot of second chances. Many practices will want you to call in to cancel if you can’t make it to your appointment - so missing it isn’t much of an option. It’s also important to get routine checkups as it’s not always easy to tell whether or not your children are experiencing health problems of their own. Children don’t understand what’s going on with their bodies, so any pains or issues might go ignored or chalked up to something that everyone experiences.

Bonding time

Just like making promises, you should never forget to make time for bonding with your kids. It’s especially important at a young age because as they grow up, they’ll become less interested in spending time with you. Making time to spend with your kids will be a key part of their development, and it will teach them valuable social skills, like how to act around a company that they keep later on.


Birthdays are days that might sound hard to forget, as it’s just one day of the year, right? Well, when you’re living a busy lifestyle, it’s not always easy to keep track of the date. While you might not forget the date, it can sneak up on you when you’ve been stressing over other events in your life. Nonetheless, your kids won’t understand that, and it might come across as hurtful to them if you forget their birthday. It’s a small problem for adults, but a birthday is a big event for children.

5 Things To Consider When Decorating Your Kids Bedroom

Our kids are our worlds and their rooms are the place that they can call their own in this world. If you are thinking about changing the room around to reflect the person they are growing into, here are some things to think about before you start decorating.

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 Victoria_Borodinova from Pixabay 


There has been a lot of talk over the last few years about the use of colors in children’s bedrooms over the last few years. Some people believe the room should be gender-neutral so that we don’t force stereotypes on our kids. However, the other side believes that we should decorate the room as we see fit. Whatever your view on the debate, there is one thing that we can all agree on, we want the room to look nice. If your little girl is every bit the princess, pink and purple might be the color scheme to choose from. If your little boy loves mud and cars, then you might want blues and greens. But, if your kids have to share a room, a gender-neutral scheme might be the best idea, even if they both want pinks and blues.


One of the reasons why we have to change our kid’s rooms around is the need to change the furniture. Things such as cots and cot beds can be outgrown and need to be upgraded. Nursery furniture is great and can provide you with some excellent storage solutions, but as your kids get older, they need to be swapped out. You wouldn’t want your teenager inviting people around and still have the changing table that he had as a baby in his room. Always keep in mind that your kids will grow and the stuff they have might not be suitable in a few years time. If it is good quality furniture, you could always put it in storage to use for other children and grandchildren that might come along further down the line.

Health needs

As our kids grow up, we might discover that they need some extra help with things. Some of these issues are nothing more than childhood illnesses that they will grow out of, others are long term health conditions that they will have to manage themselves. A lot of children are sensitive to dust and might need wooden floors to help them manage any respiratory issues. When it comes to autism and other cognitive disorders, their bedroom will need to be set up so that they can relax and feel safe. This means that certain colors and items will not be suitable for their room. If they have more complex needs, you might want to consult with their doctor to help make some decisions about the items that should be in the room. 

Toys or no toys?

For some families, the toys stay in the bedroom. For others, the toys stay in another room. This can be a tricky one to work out but it comes down to your individual needs. Some people choose to keep the toys out of the room so that the room is a space for sleeping and relaxation only. Other people like to keep the toys in the room so that they don’t spill out all over the house. Having a space for the toys is an important thing to establish, even if it is one big toy box that they all get thrown into at the end of the day. Choose a spot and a room that the toys stay in and get packed away at the end of the day. If you find that these toys are starting to spread around the house, it might be time for a clear out.

Growing family

If you are lucky enough to have rooms for all of your children, you might not think that you need to worry about their rooms too much. But the smallest room in the house is normally the nursery. For example, if you have a four-bedroom house and it is just you, your partner, and your child, that’s only two bedrooms being used. But, once your family starts to grow bigger, will you be changing the bedrooms around? Will the nursery stay the nursery? And as they move out, will the younger ones get to move into their bigger siblings rooms? And when they all move out and have families of their own, will you turn that little room back into a nursery for your grandbabies to come and visit? That can be a lot to take in but thinking ahead can be great for keeping your family organized over the years.

3 Tips for COVID-19 and Returning to School

I know it’s on every parent’s mind of what the 20-21 school year will look like. It’s going to be a lot different for everyone but I’m pleased to say that our school district has decided on a hybrid model until it is safe to return to a full 5-day in person learning environment.

Many schools in my area are opening very soon and everyone is on edge. Parents are rightfully concerned about will this work and I believe we don’t know until we try. COVID-19 has changed everything we thought about 2020.

While everyone’s situation is different; I believe it’s important to remember a few key things as we adjust.

Patience is Key

Most of parents have had to become teachers overnight. It challenged everything you knew about yourself as a person. It was a challenge of how to draw the lines between parent and instructor. Some parents may come out the gate swinging and have no issues with the transition while others will struggle. No matter what end of the spectrum you may be on it’s OKAY! I promise.

Listen More

As parents we like to think that we know everything – especially when it comes to our children. And while, we may be the best resource and advocate for them we do not know everything! I have personal experience with needing to listen to what my child was saying. My daughter struggled with virtual learning in the beginning. She didn’t know how to handle the change. I spent countless hours working at my computer and that wasn’t helpful to her. She needed me to be present in her learning and find ways to make it fun.

Create a Schedule 

Find a schedule that works for you and your family. Most schools are buckling down on how virtual learning will work by assigning your child a schedule for the day. That means now you’ll have a guide on how to plan your day. Work with your employer to create available times as you work through this transition phase.

It has been extremely helpful for me to get up before the kids awake and start my day by checking and responding to emails and creating a to-do list in order of priority.

Friendly Tip: If you can take a day or two off to help with the transition do it! You won’t regret it.

If your children are returning to in-person learning remind to practice healthy hand washing habits and to always wear their mask. I purchased cute mask Etsy to help encourage my kiddos to wear their mask!


Wishing you and your kiddos a successful school year!


Clothing Items Every Mom Needs


Moms are practically superwomen, that’s a universal fact, they’re many things to different people and still manage to pull it off. From running errands to attending PTA meetings and doctors’ appointments - there is simply no way to count it all. Here are 9 clothing items every mom needs in her wardrobe to ensure that they look put together and ready to conquer the world at all times.

1. A Good Pair of Jeans

Jeans are an essential part of any closet and they make the perfect throw on for days when you are going for a dressy look but are clueless on where to start from. You don’t have to stick to the classic blue denim, mix it up until you find what works best for your body type. To do this, take advantage of denim stores that offer free personal shopping appointments so you can try on different styles and colors.

2. A Tailored Blazer

You can always count on a well-tailored blazer to step-up your outfit. They are also great for layering over dresses and skirts. When choosing a blazer, pick one that isn’t too tight, it should fit perfectly both buttoned and unbuttoned.

3. Supportive Undergarments

Nothing ruins a good outfit like the wrong set of undergarments. They not only serve to lessen the friction of outer clothes on your body, but they also help smooth and control your figure. When purchasing a bra, make sure you know your size and buy accordingly.

4. Leggings

This may seem like the classic mom wear but that depends on the occasion. A good pair of leggings can perform multiple functions from workouts to running errands. These ones from are sewn with extra material for the crotch to provide comfort as you go about your day. You can wear them under dresses or pair them with a long sweater.

5. Comfortable But Stylish Flats

Stylish flats offer you the comfort of sneakers while staying formal. That’s enough reason for every woman to have at least one. Try to go for nude and neutrals since they are great in terms of versatility.

6. Statement Jewelry

If you are going for a simple but elevated look, simply throw on some nice jewelry. Not only will it look great, but it’ll create the impression that you put a lot of thought into your outfit.


A wrap is a great staple to have as they and it can be used when you’re traveling, running errands, or meeting up with a girlfriend for lunch. They come in different designs that provide functionality and style. Simply pair it up with a simple t-shirt and jeans, and you’ll instantly feel put together.

8. A Versatile Dress

Every mom needs a go-to dress that makes her look and feel good. When picking a dress, make sure it’s a good quality piece that’s fit for any formal occasion, like date night and church.

9. A White Button-Down Shirt

Most fashion gurus swear by this piece, it's the right amount of formal and can be toned down as well. Its versatile nature is also a plus – you can choose to pair it with jeans for a laid back look, or a skirt and blazer for a more formal look.


Empower Your Kids With These Supportive Tips


As parents, we want our kids to grow up with confidence and resilience, with that 'I can' attitude that will lead them towards success. 

And as parents, we should do what we can to support our kids. If we can empower them to be the best people that they can be, we will have done our jobs, and given them the very best start in life. 

Here are some tips we should all adhere to. 

Affirm your kids every day

We all need affirmation, and our children, with the negative words they sometimes receive from their peers, also need this affirmation in their lives. So, on a daily basis, make sure you offer encouragement to your kids. Praise them for things they do well, remind them how beautiful they are, and let them know their worth. Check out these self-affirmations for kids too, and perhaps pin them up in their bedroom, as they are useful reminders of how great they really are. 

Support your child at school

For most kids, school sucks! This is something we can all relate to, but if you can motivate your children to learn, you will do much to encourage them to succeed in the classroom. So, do what you can to help them. Make sure they do their homework and give them guidance when they get stuck. Download printable activities from the internet, and encourage your kids to have a go at them. Student Treasures have some great examples, and you can find them here. And encourage your kids by going to their award ceremonies, school sports days, and other such events. When you show your kids that you care about their learning, you will empower them to do better. 

Encourage your child's interests

Your child might not have the same interests that you do, but that's okay! The last thing you should do is belittle their interests or turn your kids away from them. If your little girl wants to play soccer instead of dancing, then so be it. And if your boy wants to be the next Billy Elliot and not the next Pele, then fine! Support them in their interests, as this will empower them to follow their dreams. And make sure they have what they need to follow them, as they will have a better chance at succeeding in whatever it is they are doing.

Let your child take risks

You don't want to let your child hurt themselves, of course, but you don't want to wrap them in cotton wool either! So, trust your child to take the occasional risk, be that climbing a tree, swimming a lap alone, or trying a sport they have never attempted before, as examples. Sure, they might fail, and you might need to offer a little bit of TLC, but if they don't try, they will never get to experience success either. So, don't be a helicopter parent and keep your kids on training wheels all their life. Let them go, give them the opportunity to push past their own limits, and let them experience things they have never tried before. You will empower them if you do, as they will develop in self-confidence.

So, think about your kids and what you might do to empower them. Use our suggestions, and do other things to encourage them to be live up to their wonderful potential. 

Thanks for reading. 

Tips To Feeling Your Best After Having A Baby


While having a baby is an exciting and thrilling milestone and event in your life, it may also be a stressful experience. You’re adapting to your new way of life while also trying to ensure that you remain happy and well.

There are a few useful ways to feel your best after having a baby and getting back to being yourself again. Be patient because it’s going to take time before you may start to see positive changes taking place. The beginning stages may be the toughest, so don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help when you need it.

Sleep & Rest Whenever Possible

You’re going to be sleep-deprived after having a baby. While there’s no way around the long nights, it is possible to try to sleep and rest when you can. Sleep when the baby is sleeping and try to go to bed early so you feel okay to get up when the baby cries. Work with your partner to help each other out so that you can rest and take care of yourself. Taking a warm shower before you lay down may help to relax you.

Celebrate Your Body

It took nine months to grow your baby, so realize that your body may not bounce back right away. Instead, embrace and celebrate your body and how amazing it is and what it was able to do. Get outside and take a walk if the weather is nice and slowly get back into a workout routine based on how you’re feeling and what your doctor recommends. If you decide you want professional help getting your body back, you might want to consider looking into the services at

Attend to Your Mental Health

It’s vital that you take care of and attend to your mental health after having a baby and know that it’s okay to cry. There are many ways to do so, such as reading a book, meditating or practicing yoga, and connecting with other new moms. If you’re feeling low for a long time and nothing seems to be working, don’t be afraid to reach out to a professional therapist. You need your mental health to be strong, and well, so you can take care of your little one and yourself.

Enjoy the Moments with Your Baby

Focus on all the positives whenever you’re feeling tired or worn out. For example, maybe for you it’s the first time your baby smiles at you or giggles. Embrace and enjoy these moments and cherish them so that they don’t quickly pass you by. You can feel your best after having a baby by connecting with your child and appreciating what a beautiful mess motherhood can be.


These are a few ways for how you can feel well after having a baby. Go easy on yourself and take breaks when you need them to help you get through the difficult stages. Use any mistakes you do make as learning opportunities and be kind to yourself as you learn and grow as a mom and parent.

Little One’s Sleep Program Review

I did receive this program to try out – all opinions are my own.

Around 10-11 months, Clayton began showing signs of sleep regression and I was so frustrated. I was feeling like maybe it’s because of dad’s work schedule. At the time, Cleveland would work days or nights every other week and it was hard getting him to use that. Once he adjusted he would have to do something different, yet again.

So you can imagine my excitement when I was presented with the opportunity to try out Little Ones. Little Ones offers programs to help you create better sleeping habits for your family. They believe in taking a holistic approach with gentle methods that allow for an easy implementation.

About The Program

Little Ones offers a variety of programs:

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I am currently using the Toddler Sleep Program (12-36 months) with my 12 month old son. Some sections will have videos that provide you with helpful information – so watch them. They also have a community of parents where you can engage in conversation about how well the program is working and get tips.

My Experience

(Make bath time fun and relaxing to help prepare for your nighttime routine.)

(Make bath time fun and relaxing to help prepare for your nighttime routine.)

I will advise you not to go into this program expecting an overnight miracle. That’s not the norm, all babies are different and if you have multiple children, you know – no two are alike.  My oldest was a great sleeper but I had a horrible time putting my middle child down for naps and bed.

I believe this program was designed for parents to win and master sleep for their little ones. I personally had to break a few of the common habits mentioned in the program. Cleveland and I struggle with using the “fed to sleep method” and “rocking method.” We’ve done it since he was a baby; especially when he was breastfed. That was the only way I truly knew how to settle him. So we did experience a little bit of a fight. I’m proud to report that we now have fewer awakenings during the night. He’s able to sleep a lot easier.


White noise was also key in our success! I used it a lot when he was first born and it was the only thing that would calm him and allow for a good night’s sleep. I was so happy to see that Little Ones mentioned using it. Here’s one of my favorite videos if you don’t have a white noise device. They can easily be found online.

They also recommend giving your child a replacement item if you were feeding to sleep. Clayton hates to be hot at night. We keep the home warm and dress him comfortably to ensure he’s able to rest well.

My Schedule


Here’s a quick look at the schedule in our home. It’s not like the one in the guide but it’s one that accommodates the needs of our family and still follows the same structure. Our schedule is a little later than most due to work schedules and having older children in the home. You’ll notice that younger kids will fight settling down when they have older siblings that are still up and moving around. I like to get the house quiet around 7-7:30 pm to allow bath and bedtime to go smoothly.

7:00 – 8:00 AM Awake

8:00 -9:00 AM Morning Start

9:30 AM Breakfast

10:00 AM Morning Playtime

11:30 AM Morning Nap (if wanted)

12:00 PM Lunch

12:30 PM Playtime/Storytime

1:30 PM Afternoon Nap (2-2 hr 30 mins)

3:30 PM Afternoon Snack

6:30 PM Dinner

7:00 PM Bath

7:30 PM Milk

8:00 PM Bedtime

Be sure to check out the Little Ones Sleep Program, you won’t regret it and come back and let me know how it works for your family!


Four Things Parents Want To Check If Their Child Is Unsettled At Night

Sleep is one thing that many parents want to get right when it comes to their child. A good night’s sleep often means that children wake up refreshed and energized for their day and feel their best. Not to mention how great parents feel when they have an uninterrupted night's sleep. But, sleepless nights do happen, and sometimes there are simple reasons for it. With that in mind, here are four things parents should check if their child is unsettled at night. 

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Image source - Pixabay - CC0 License 

Are they feeling well?

One of the first things that you may want to check is whether or not they are feeling themselves. If they are restless at night, waking, getting upset, then they may have an illness. It might be something completely harmless, but it is worth checking their temperature and how they look and feel. You could consider seeking some urgent care to get a second opinion on things such as a cold, winter bugs or even sickness and diarrhea. All of these things can make a child unsettled at night, even when sleep is often one of the best things that they can do. 

Is the sleeping environment right? 

Sometimes there may not be anything up with the child at all, and it can be something to do with the environment instead. Maybe it is the fact that the bedroom is too warm and stuffy, so getting some fresh air in may resolve the issue. Or likewise of the room is too cold, you may want to think about increasing hurt heating such as switching a radiator, or closing windows to prevent drafts. Small changes can often make a big difference to how comfortable a child feels in their room at night. 

Is the bed comfortable? 

Another thing to think about would be whether or not the bed is comfortable. The temperature ei the room may be fin, but the sleeping aids like mattresses and pillows may not feel quite so right for them. It might be worth investing in a different type of mattress, such as something a little softer or firmer, depending on what is right for your child. You might also want to check the thickness of any quilts you use, ensuring that a thinner one is used during the warmer months of the year, for example. This could also help them to feel comfortable at night. 

Do you have a bedtime routine?

Finally, do you have a bedtime routine in place? It might be time to start thinking about whether or not you have something in place that will work for your child. Some parents stick with the same routine from when they were babies, but often routines are not always in place and you develop them as you go along. You could look at adding in a bath, or a story book or a warm drink too start a new princess of relaxing at night. 

Let’s hope these tips help you to ensure that your child has a more settled nights sleep in the future.