Four Things Parents Want To Check If Their Child Is Unsettled At Night

Sleep is one thing that many parents want to get right when it comes to their child. A good night’s sleep often means that children wake up refreshed and energized for their day and feel their best. Not to mention how great parents feel when they have an uninterrupted night's sleep. But, sleepless nights do happen, and sometimes there are simple reasons for it. With that in mind, here are four things parents should check if their child is unsettled at night. 

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Are they feeling well?

One of the first things that you may want to check is whether or not they are feeling themselves. If they are restless at night, waking, getting upset, then they may have an illness. It might be something completely harmless, but it is worth checking their temperature and how they look and feel. You could consider seeking some urgent care to get a second opinion on things such as a cold, winter bugs or even sickness and diarrhea. All of these things can make a child unsettled at night, even when sleep is often one of the best things that they can do. 

Is the sleeping environment right? 

Sometimes there may not be anything up with the child at all, and it can be something to do with the environment instead. Maybe it is the fact that the bedroom is too warm and stuffy, so getting some fresh air in may resolve the issue. Or likewise of the room is too cold, you may want to think about increasing hurt heating such as switching a radiator, or closing windows to prevent drafts. Small changes can often make a big difference to how comfortable a child feels in their room at night. 

Is the bed comfortable? 

Another thing to think about would be whether or not the bed is comfortable. The temperature ei the room may be fin, but the sleeping aids like mattresses and pillows may not feel quite so right for them. It might be worth investing in a different type of mattress, such as something a little softer or firmer, depending on what is right for your child. You might also want to check the thickness of any quilts you use, ensuring that a thinner one is used during the warmer months of the year, for example. This could also help them to feel comfortable at night. 

Do you have a bedtime routine?

Finally, do you have a bedtime routine in place? It might be time to start thinking about whether or not you have something in place that will work for your child. Some parents stick with the same routine from when they were babies, but often routines are not always in place and you develop them as you go along. You could look at adding in a bath, or a story book or a warm drink too start a new princess of relaxing at night. 

Let’s hope these tips help you to ensure that your child has a more settled nights sleep in the future.