Is New York Calling You? Consider These Things First

Ah, New York, New York. So good they named it twice. This is arguably the greatest city on earth -- it’s certainly difficult to pick one that’s better than the Big Apple. It just offers so much -- you’ve got culture, opportunities, energy, and, well, just about everything else. It’s these qualities that attract people to the city. And if you’re reading this, then you might be drawn to experience it for yourself. Some people go out of sheer excitement, but most go for a reason. I visited once when I was younger and — it was a lot for my young soul! So is it right for you? We’ll take a look at some things to consider before making the move.

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Is It Good For Your Career?

New York can most definitely be good for your career, but it’s not as if it’s good for all careers. If you want to work in finance, healthcare, or marketing, then yes, it’s a city that might just take you to the next level (just remember that standards are extremely high here). The mistake is thinking that it’ll be good for career advancement no matter what you do. That’s not the case! If you work in tech, for example, then you’d probably be better looking elsewhere.

Do You Want To Live In The City Or Just Near It?

Even if you decide that New York will help push your career forward, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to embrace every element of the city. Some people think that they have to live the whole Sex and The City New York dream, but that’s not the case. You can live right in Manhattan or Brooklyn if you want, but that’s not your only option. You could also look at and look at properties in Fairfield, CT. This is a charming and picturesque city that has none of the ‘big city’ feel of New York, yet it’s only around an hour away from Manhattan. That means that you’ll get to enjoy all the benefits of the Big Apple without having to live right in the middle of it. 

Do You Know People Who Live There?

Frank Sinatra sang that if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere. It was a good track, but it does provide something of a heads up about the city -- it’s tough. As such, it might be useful if you know a few people there since they help show you the ropes and help with networking. If you don’t know anyone that lives there, then you’ll need to ask yourself whether you’re competitive enough. You have to really work hard to carve out a life for yourself. 

Are You Ready For An Adventure?

Finally, ask yourself this -- are you ready for an adventure? Moving to New York -- and staying there -- is not always a walk in the park, but it can be highly rewarding. If nothing else, it might be a case of, ‘if you never try, then you’ll never know.’ Throw yourself into the move, and just see what happens.