Teaching Your Kids to Be Tech Savvy

We currently live in a tech-heavy world. It is near impossible to live as conveniently and have access to as many opportunities as possible, if you are not switched on to the digital world. Kids today, have to be connected. They’ll even teach you a thing or too. So, whatever your views on kids and tech may be, there is no denying that they need to be clued up on everything from internet safety to programming if they are to be safe and successful as they grow up.

That being the case, let’s take a look at some steps you can take to teach your kid to be tech savvy right now.

1. Start with the ABCs - Apps, Browsers, & Clicks

Before the deep dive, start with the basics. Show them how to open apps, use browsers, and, most importantly, the universal rule: not every shiny button needs a click! They’ll pick this up way faster than you think possible.

2. Safety First, Surf Second

Just as you wouldn’t let them swim without floaties, don't let kids surf unsupervised. Set up child-safe browsers and filters to ensure their cyber swims are in the shallow end.

3. The Great Scam Jam

Ah, our first detour into the shadier side of tech town. Teach them early that if something online seems too good to be true (like those "Win a lifetime supply of candy!" pop-ups), it probably is. Teach them how to prevent vishing by not even trusting authoritative voices over the phone and internet. Teach them to think critically and ask an adult if in doubt. Educating them on the telltale signs of scams can be both fun and protective.

4. Keyboard Kings & Queens

In this touchscreen world, don’t let the art of keyboarding fade away. Fun typing games can turn your little ones into speedy touch typists, giving them an edge in many future pursuits.

5. Pixel Art and Beyond

Encourage their digital creativity to flow and who knows where it may lead. From digital painting to simple video editing, there's an app for every budding artist, director, or music maker, and the sooner they learn, the more talented they are likely to be going forward.

6. Coding: The New Second Language

Spanish or French? How about Python or Java? Introducing kids to basic coding can be a game-changer. With a plethora of platforms like Scratch or Code.org, they can start creating mini-masterpieces while learning computational thinking.

7. Real Talk about Virtual Worlds

Many kids adore online gaming and virtual hangouts. This is a prime time to chat about online etiquette, bullying, and the importance of not sharing personal information. The more they know, the safer they will be.

8. The Money Lesson: App Purchases & Ad Traps

We’ve all heard of kids accidentally racking up thousands on in-app purchases. A simple sit-down about the value of money and the tricks some apps use to get you to spend can save many a future heart (and wallet) ache.

9. Device-Free Days (or hours!)

Being tech-savvy isn't just about knowing how to use tech, but also when to take a break. Establishing tech-free times encourages balance and ensures your kiddos appreciate both on-screen and off-screen fun.

Time to start talkin’ tech!