The Best Active Toys To Get Young Kids Moving

Every parent wants their child to grow up to be healthy and happy, and that means getting them into good habits from a young age. Making sure that they eat a varied diet and encouraging them to be adventurous with food is crucial. Getting them to exercise is also incredibly important and if you can make it a habit while they are young, they are far more likely to stay active when they are older. 

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Unfortunately, this last one can be tricky, especially as kids often prefer to stay inside playing on screens. However, there are some great toys you can get for young children that encourage them to get outdoors and move around. These are some of the best active toys for young kids. 

A Bike

A bike is one of the best toys for kids because it gives them that sense of adventure and keeps them active. You can get some great bikes and trikes for young kids at Foryourlittleone if they are not ready for a proper bike yet. Teaching them to ride their bike is a great bonding activity and you can all go out on family bike rides together too, so everybody stays fit and healthy. 

Jump Ropes

Jump ropes are a fantastic and inexpensive piece of equipment to get your kids active. They don't need much space, so can be used in the garden or even indoors if you have enough room. Jumping rope is one of the best ways for kids to burn off excess energy during the day and it's a fun activity too. You can get cheap jump ropes so they're ideal if your budget is tight. You probably remember all sorts of different jump rope games you played when you were young, so why not teach some to your kids.

Jungle Gyms

Having a great place for kids to play is one of the best gifts you can give them. There are some great jungle gyms you can get made from plastic or metal, so they are incredibly strong and long-lasting too. If there is enough space in your back garden, buying your kids a jungle gym will give them hours of fun while they climb about and take in their surroundings. You should be able to find jungle gyms designed especially for toddlers too. Just make sure that you are always watching them while they are climbing because it can be dangerous.

Swingball Sets

Swingball sets are a fantastic way of getting your kids active and they can be used both indoors and outdoors too. It is one of the best games kids like to play because it's fun and it gets them moving about at the same time. It's a classic toy but it's had a few updates in recent years. You can get a soccer version as well as the classic tennis swingball, which might be better for young kids. 

If you are worried about keeping your kids active, you should by them these toys when they are young and make exercise fun for them.