Best Toys For Children Ages 0-6 Months


I’m a firm believer in saving money and buying things that my baby will actually use and need. Every baby is different and you have to adjust to each child’s need. This time around I avoided buying every toy I saw – instead I opted for toys that could grow with him and be used for longer periods of time.

Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Seat



I’m in love with this seat – especially for the price. You can find this seat for under $50 and it will sometimes go as low as $35. For a chair that can last you for at least two years it’s well worth the price. I was worried we were not going to get much use out of the in the beginning. Clayton did not enjoy sitting in it when he was younger (0-2 months) Now he loves it! He’s able to engage with the toys.

Baby Einstein 4 in 1 Kickin’ Tunes Music and Language Discovery Activity Gym


This is another great all around toy to have. When your child is very young you they can enjoy laying on their back looking at the toys. This toy offers a pillow to enhance tummy time and it’s perfect for their little bodies! As they get older you can break the toy apart. The piano that once served for them to kick their feet on now becomes a piano that they can enjoy playing sitting up.

Fisher Price 2 in 1 Sit to Stand Activity Center


Your little one will go gaga over this one! They can begin using it as early 2 months although I would wait until the child is about 3-4 months and has good upper body control. The seat spins around 360 degrees to provide endless fun. Once your baby begins pulling up you can replace the seat with the attachment piece that serves as a ramp!

Car Seat Toys


Babies love to look around and adding something to their car seat helps to make travel a breeze. Clayton loves looking at his toys and now that he is older he can play with them as well.