#ThisIsOurShot Choosing the COVID-19 Vaccine for My Family

Thank you American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for sponsoring this post. 

The last two years have truly been life-altering for us all, especially as a parent. As a country, we made huge adjustments to our lives, while also attempting to maintain some sense of normalcy for ourselves and our children. The pandemic life has consisted of wearing masks, social distancing, virtual learning, working from home, grocery deliveries, outside play for the kids and so much more. If I can be completely transparent for a moment, outside of the life adjustments I just listed, I, nor my family have been directly impacted until both my husband and son, who are both extremely high-risk, contracted COVID-19, in 2021. This was completely eye-opening for me - especially since we felt we were in the clear having avoided it in 2020.

While my husband and son were recovering, I began thinking of ways to keep my entire family safe. It was important that all my children were given the chance to thrive without worry of infection; especially, my middle daughter, who has a developmental disability, attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). She is a true socialite that enjoys being around other children and people in general. I did not want to dim her light. As her mom, I felt it was my duty to provide her with the freedom to continue to enjoy life, have stress-free playtime, and have safe contact with others. But, I knew this level of protection would go beyond what I could provide as her mother.

Children with ADHD were one of the groups hit the hardest due to the pandemic. They thrive in familiarity and social settings. Taking that away from them was tough. My daughter struggled with adjusting to virtual learning and mask-wearing. Most days it made her symptoms worse.

So, I sprang into action! I scheduled a consultation with her doctor to discuss the COVID-19 vaccines for children. I had questions and lots of them. I needed to know the risks and how it would affect her. Not only did I listen to our pediatrician, I also did the research for myself with trustworthy and reliable information sources, like the American Academy of Pediatrics. I quickly learned that the COVID-19 vaccines would be a great way for my children to continue living active lives. My oldest (13) and my middle daughter (8), who has ADHD, would join the millions of kids and teens who have already been safely vaccinated. And let me tell you, it would not be long at all before the decision was made. After speaking with her doctor and conducting research through authentic sources, I knew the COVID-19 vaccines are the best way to protect children with developmental disabilities from COVID-19.

Choosing to vaccinate was the right choice for our family. I find comfort in knowing that she is able to enjoy playtime in the park, trips to our local farmer’s market, the library close to our home, and events held within the city. My daughter is absolutely fearless! The vaccine was given in two parts just like the adult version. She experienced mild symptoms such as a sore arm and headache - all completely manageable and worth it in the long run. 

Parents, if you are considering protecting your children with developmental disabilities from COVID-19, know that COVID-19 vaccines are continuously monitored for safety! Remember to only trust verified sources, and feel free to speak with your child’s doctor for clarity. Most importantly, learn from my experience that vaccines are safe and protect children with disabilities!