Celebrate Black History + Self Love

“How you love yourself is how you teach other to love you.” Rupi Kaur


It’s Black History + Self Love Month!! 


This is giving me all the feels! I’m proud to be a black woman and learning to come into my own. This journey has been difficult but as 30 is approaching I’m starting to see things in a different light. I’m not sure if it was due to 2020 or my 30’s approaching but it feels good here! Everyday I’m learning to release the expectations that have been placed on me or ones that I’ve placed on myself. 


Black History


I’m Black 365 days a year and yet I don’t feel that I celebrate the month. I know some people “show out” for their heritage month or holiday but I’ve never done that. I don’t think I’ve liked to think about my blackness but in reality, I have to. I’m raising black children in the South and I cannot shelter them from reality. What I can do is educate them and allow them to celebrate their black skin! 


I am working to create an in-home library full of books with people of color. I want my children to see others that look just like them. I also plan to add books about diversity. 




Show of hands who’s on or has been on a self-love journey? Some are born with the confidence while others are left struggling. I believe this has a lot to do with how you are raised. I grew up in a home with both parents, but they are not the affectionate type. However, I am very affectionate. I don’t know where it came from, I’ve always longed for that type of love. I vowed to give that to my children. I want them to see what healthy love looks and feels like. My children are learning to put up with me always wanting hugs and kisses. Even my oldest has learned that saying “I love you” is okay, in fact it’s cool! 


After a recent bout of illness, my mindset was forced to shift. I had to realize that loving myself also included taking care of myself. I can’t say that I love me without honoring what my body needs. In doing so, that means I do the following:


1.     Take time for myself (no distractions)

2.     Prioritize my health 

3.     Rest when needed


My wish for you is to do the same! Not only for the month of February but all year round!