Girl, We Need To Blog About Embarrassing Topics

Now’s the best time to start your first blog. As a lot of people find themselves with extra time on their hands as a result of social distancing and self-isolation, blogging has become a popular channel again. And that is a good thing! You’ve got a unique experience to share with your readers, so why not make the most of the quarantine time to set up your site?

You might have spotted a recent article on how to make your blog posts stand out from the crowd. Finding an appealing topic, such as beauty, is crucial to writing good posts. You need to know what you’re talking about, and more importantly, you need to be enthusiastic about it. Creating quality staged photos helps showcase your expertise. 

But there’s one thing missing in many blogs, and that is honest beauty challenges. Indeed, nobody believes the picture-perfect blogger. Your readers want to understand how to handle everyday beauty issues they’re too embarrassed to talk about. Now’s your chance to bridge the gap and share your problems. 

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You struggle with your hair

Thin hair or bald patches are never something women want to talk about. Unfortunately, chronic stress, autoimmune diseases, and strenuous hairstyle can cause hair loss in women. If this is an issue you’re familiar with, you could gain the respect and administration of your readers by talking openly about your hair loss treatments and journey toward self-love. Be real. Readers who experience similar issues will appreciate your honesty. 

You’ve got frequent acne outbreaks

Perfect skin is an impossible dream for many adults who suffer from acne outbreaks. Acne, unfortunately, can be triggered by hormonal imbalance, stress, or diet intolerances – without mentioning an unhealthy diet. It is a source of shame for many. Showing your readers how to handle the issue and look after your skin can be a revelation for many! Acne positivity is a necessity in today’s society. You can use the bog to share tips about products that work for you or essential lifestyle changes that have improved your condition. 

You have to deal with bloating and digestive troubles

Urgh, bloating! Nobody likes to talk about it. Bloating is, more often than not, the result of excess gas trapped in your digestive system. For a start, bloating can make your stomach appear a lot bigger than it is. But it is also painful, both physically and emotionally. The thing is, even though we don’t like to talk about it, bloating is a surprisingly frequent phenomenon. It can appear in periods of high stress, for instance. But it can also be related to your food intake or even your menstruation period. You can cast a light on the issue and explain what works for you. 

You’ve got hirsutism

You may not know the scientific name for the condition, but hirsutism refers to extreme hair growth. It affects 5% of women in the US. Many more suffer from increased hair growth on the body in less severe forms. Talking about hair on your legs, arms, or face is uncomfortable as a woman. However, it is a critical problem to raise, and you can help many women feel more confident about their bodies. 

Blogs too often ignore beauty problems. In reality, there is no such thing as a perfect body. Being candid about your real challenges can help many women make peace with their bodies. It makes your blog unique!