Have You Loved On Yourself Lately? Try a Boudoir Photoshoot!

Have you ever asked yourself if you really love you? I haven’t, but in the last year, I’ve taken a deep dive into self-discovery and healing. I’ve experienced so many things in my short life that have led me to this point. As I was casually scrolling on TikTok a few months ago, I saw a lady sharing her story about coming to terms with the fact that she didn’t love herself because if she did, she wouldn’t treat herself the way that she does. That post hit home on so many levels. I started questioning myself, asking myself, “If I really loved myself like I loved everyone else, wouldn’t I treat myself better?”

I am determined to make my mental and physical health a priority.

2023 is all about loving myself correctly! I am learning to step out of my comfort zone and go for it. From a very young age, I struggled with my weight. I was always known as the “big girl.” I was told to cover up and that I couldn’t wear the same clothes as other girls my age. It always made me feel like something was wrong with me and my body.

In 2011, I underwent a major spinal surgery that left me with a scar along my back, and for an extra touch of razzle-dazzle, I got my first set of stretch marks. Talk about a blow to the self-esteem department! I used to search for ways that I could cover up my scar and dreamed of the day that I would be able to hide mine. It wasn’t until I was introduced to this amazing young woman that taught me that there is life after surgery and it’s okay to embrace my scar.

After three babies and going through ups and down with my weight, my body has changed so much. I had to get honest with myself - if I never lose or gain another pound, I need to be happy with what I see in the mirror: stretch marks, rolls, cellulite, the whole package. 

Birthdays are a big deal for me, and this year I struggled with finding my “big” thing or gift after stumbling upon a post from Nikki Morgan Photography announcing her mini boudoir sessions; I instantly knew that it was for me. I have been a fan of her boudoir work for a few years now, but I was so afraid that it wasn’t for me. I worried that I wouldn’t look as good as her other clients. I finally said YOLO, gifted myself a boudoir photo shoot for my birthday, and figured it would also make an excellent gift for our wedding anniversary!

I needed to see myself in a new light. I needed to see the beauty in myself again because I am worth it! My body deserves to be loved in every season.  I decided to step out and go for it to honor me and celebrate my body at this size. To my plus-size girlies that think boudoir photography isn’t for us - it is. Our bodies deserve to take up space!

Nikki was fantastic and truly helped to ease my fears. I can’t imagine doing this with a better person. She allowed me to feel comfortable and confident! This experience changed how I saw myself, and my husband loved how the images turned out. For once, I was able to see myself through his eyes.

Check out more of Nikki’s work below!

What is boudoir photography?

To me, boudoir photography is what you make it. Whether you’re more of a pinup-style girl or want to pull out the lingerie, there is a place for you. The word boudoir derives from a French word that means a woman’s private salon. Boudoir photos are usually taken in a private setting and designed just for women, but depending on the photographer, they may be open to working with couples.

Boudoir photography can get a bad rap for being explicit or too spicy, but I think it’s all about how YOU view yourself and the intention behind the photos. Every woman is beautiful and deserves to feel that way. It’s an empowering experience.


If you’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and see how beautiful you truly are, I highly suggest booking a session today!  Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, getting married, or want something just for you – a boudoir session needs to be on the list! 


Friendly reminder - your body is already perfect!