DIY Turmeric Mask Recipe


I’ve always heard good things about turmeric but I was so afraid to try it. I tried it once in the past but it was so messy so I didn’t do it again. This time, I’m jumping in full force to take my skin to the next level.

Since I begin having children, I noticed major changes in my skin; primarily hyperpigmentation being my biggest problem. I’ve had areas of my cheeks and neck give me the most issues and I no longer want to feel the need to cover these areas with makeup. I want the freedom to wear my skin. So, I’ve decided to add this turmeric mask to my skincare regimen. I will be using it once a week and tracking my results.

I used it for the first time last week and it really wasn’t hard to do. I do recommend wearing gloves or using a makeup brush because this can get messy.

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Turmeric Mask Recipe:

¼ cup turmeric

½ tsp lemon juice

½ tsp honey


Mask brush (optional)

Mix until it forms a paste. You may need to add a little more honey or lemon juice it’s a personal preference. Leave on for 15-20 (until dry) and rinse. You will also find this recipe with plain yogurt. Do what works for you. I would love to know your results.

My Thoughts

I was very pleased with the application of the mask. I choose to rinse my mask off in the shower because it is messy and it will stain. I followed up with my face wash. WARNING: your skin may have a yellow tint. I applied my moisturizer and that’s it!


I noticed that my skin looked a little brighter and as the days have gone by I do feel that I’ve seen a few lighting benefits, so I’m happy to continue this process!