Are you REALLY happy?


Happy - adjective: Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.

Many people grow up not knowing who they are or what they want to be. Over time, our wants, desires, and needs change. When I was 6, I wanted to be a lawyer and when middle school came around and I was informed that becoming a lawyer involved Social Studies I quickly changed my mind.

In high school, I was torn between being a hair stylist/makeup artist and psychologist. Totally different, yet similar. I wanted to make people feel good.

If I can be real with ya’ll for a moment…my true passion was wanting to be a housewife! Yep, you got that right! Now there is a difference and people often get confused when I say that. I didn’t want to be a stay at home mom, I wanted to be a housewife. I love the idea of being home – cooking, cleaning, and working on my side hustle but also having the opportunity to get my kids from school and participate in as many school activities of my choosing. As we know, this isn’t happening YET! I’m believing in the power of the yet because one day I will be able to do this.

My life has taken on several different paths but all of them lead to one thing being my own boss! For now, I work in an office and I love it. I have freedom and flexibility not to mention the pay is great. It’s Monday – Friday and I’m off in time to spend time with my children.

I say all of that to say, where are you? Are you doing things that make you happy? Are you fulfilled in your job or are you working for a paycheck? We’ve all been there – paycheck = bills paid! I like to be believe that there is always more that we could be doing. We can take ourselves to the next level. I have set a few goals for myself and I’m determined to achieve them.

My first is growing my online presence. I love creating, I may not be the best but there is so much to learn and we all have to start somewhere.

Second, I would like to get involved with some advocacy work. I want to reach teens before they become teen parents! It’s hard, been there, done that and have the kids to prove it.

I’m currently working behind the scenes to make some of that happen so fingers crossed, you’ll see this face one day and remember you knew me, lol.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals? Do you have any? The current place we’re in is ONLY temporary - if you believe!


My Fall Bucket List

Happy Fall, Y'all.png

With only 19 weeks or less to go in my pregnancy, I’m ready to have some fun and the pass the time. My energy is up and I’m doing well. Below are the top 10 things I want to do this Fall!

1.       Pumpkin Patch


Like seriously, does that not scream FALL to you!

2.       Decorate


I love fall colors, the oranges, reds, and yellows make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I love the fall candles as well and Bath and Body Works already has theirs out!!! I also love shopping Target and Home Goods! 

3.       Hayride



I haven’t been on a hayride in a while but I want to take the girls. We’ve never done one together. Totally, thinking about making this a tradition!

4.       Halloween Costumes


I’m not big on the holiday itself and my kids don’t go from door to door but I love seeing people get dressed up. This year I’m totally participating!

5.       Shopping


Now is the time when I save! Christmas is just around the corner and we have a rather large family so catching deals and storing cash is always a good idea.

My Fall Bucket List.png

6.       Bonfire – S’mores


I’m not really an outdoorsy kind of girl but when it’s cool I like to sit around the fire and make S’mores with my kids. It’s something they’ll always remember.

7.       State Fair


We’ve skipped the fair for the last few years because I believe it’s a complete waste of money but this is the last year it will just be the girls and I so I think we need to make a special trip!

8.       Fall Photos

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I love photography and a lot of photographers do Fall Mini Sessions so this is the best time to snag a deal and capture your growing family. I have one coming up soon!

9.       Corn Maze


I have NEVER been to a corn maze and I’m a country girl. I know this will be so fun so it’s on my to-do list!

10.   Thanksgiving


I’m already thinking about the ham, turkey, collard greens and macaroni and cheese that will be prepared! The smell of Thanksgiving makes me happy plus it means we’re one step closer to Christmas!

Getting Ready for Fall With Pink Blush


Hi Guys! You all know I LOVE Fall. It's the perfect time of year but here in the South; Fall doesn't really bring the cooler weather until late October or early November if we're lucky. So I'm excited to partner with Pink Blush to bring you this cute Fall number and guest what's a double duty kind of dress! It can be used after you deliver your little one!


If you feel a little self conscious and we sometimes do - pair it with a vest. I pulled out an old vest to give this dress an added touch of Fall Color! I also added boots but it pairs well with flats too for a day at the office.

I have lots of room in the belly are as my stomach continues to grow and it will work wonders as it’s loose enough not to be bothersome after giving birth! It’s perfect for nursing! I tested it! You can pull out comfortably without having to remove the entire top. The band that hones the middle gives support as well for an easy transition.

Rust Draped Front Plus Maternity/Nursing Dress

Colors: Rust, Black, and Red

Sizes: 1X, 2X, 3X

What I LOVE about this dress:

It compliments my skin tone very well and it hides any bumps and lumps you may have. I love the twisted top, so if you're heavy chested you get some support. It was also made this way to provide you with the ability to nurse and more importantly this is something I would wear if I wasn't pregnant! This dress is also true to size. I'm wearing a size 1X.

Style Tip:

If you’re tall you may feel this dress is on the shorter side. I'm 5'6 and the length is perfect for me. I would also recommend paring it with some leggings because it’s too cute to pass up!

Bonus Style: If you’re like me, you’re probably on the hunt for a baby shower dress as well, look no further Pink Blush has you covered in that department as well.


Want to get your hands on this dress click here!

Not really your style? Shop some of their other maternity styles here!

Not a mom yet? That's okay we still have you covered shop here!  

Related Article: Maternity Style: Shop Pink Blush

Book Review: Girl, wash your face!


Girl, wash your face! If the title doesn’t intrigue you I don’t know what will. I am not as much of an avid reader like I used to be. However, I do enjoy reading from time to time.

I had never heard of this book before but a woman I know kept posting quotes from it and it kept doing something to my spirit then I knew I had to read it!


In this book, Rachel Hollis shares with us how she is going on about her life even after things have happened to her. She isn’t perfect and has made mistakes but she has chosen to keep going. I know many of us can relate.

While reading this book it caused me to take a deeper look at myself. Like wth am I doing with my life? I cannot throw myself a pity party. Life is too short and I have to boss up. Is it possible that if I change the way I think and the way I speak to myself then things could change? Possibly!

What are you doing to speak positivity into your life?


Get your copy of Girl, Wash Your Face today and if you've already read it check out her new book, Girl, Stop Aplogizing...